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Welcome to my life
Published on June 17, 2004 By
KT Kate
After yesterday's somewhat dramatic discussion of the CoMo murder, I decided to do an abrupt 180 and ramble on about my life. Laugh, cry, sympathize....but just make some bloody comments!
I'm rather upset because my ultra-demanding summer school class is causing me to miss out on an extremely exciting event in Kansas City. One of my best friends, Jamie, works for a KC radio station, and they're hosting Kate White (editor of
) next week for Cosmos with Kate. Jamie called and said I had to come up, seeing as I am a magazine journalism major and my secret dream job is to write for Cosmo
I saw this as a perfect networking opportunity, and trust me, those don't really happen in Missouri!
But alas, my plans are foiled. I was assigned to edit a last-minute feature for next week's issue of
and therefore have to be there allllll day on Tuesday, so no Cosmos for me. Damn. Maybe it's for the best, though--secretly, I'm scared to go to New York. I don't want to go by myself, because I don't think I could afford it and I would need the moral support
I really would like to live on the plaza in KC, but I need someone to cooperate and give me a job! The journalism job market is tough right now, I'm not going to lie. I've got some interview possibilities coming up, but I'm still freaked out about where I'm going to be in August when the lease at my duplex runs out.
Switching to a completely random topic, I've noticed how some people who use online journals have built up this incredible network of friends. I'm slightly envious of the attention their postings receive, but I feel like cultivating that kind of online presence takes a lot of time and energy, which frankly are things I'm in short supply of this summer. Between being a department editor for a weekly magazine and working 3 jobs, I barely have enough time to eat and sleep when I'm home. I've become a complete hermit--I haven't talked to a lot of my friends in at least 2 weeks, and this is so not like me! Usually I can't get my cell phone pried away from my ear, but I just don't have any energy right now to do anything. Still, that's no excuse. I'm kicking myself in the butt right now, and I promise to devote new energy to those parts of my life that are neglected. Perhaps while I'm at work tonight I'll continue visiting random joe user blogs and seeing if I can drum up some sort of following..I'm debating e-mailing my friends with my new blog home, but I also don't want to because it allows me to post and write more freely when I know they're not reading. It's not that I lead a super-scandalous life, but I think you're freer to speak your mind and what's REALLY going on when you feel truly anonymous. Anyone with me on that?
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Welcome to my life
on Jun 17, 2004
Welcome! You're right it does take time and energy to form "relationships" online, but the more you blog and comment the more "popular" (if one wants to call it that) you become, and the better you get to know others. Good luck on your venture here, and I'm looking forward to more of your blogs.
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